Did you know? Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and
Jackson Pollock all had serious drinking problems. Richard Simmons does not
drink. - The Self Destruction Handbook
Breakfast, it’s the most important beer of the day. –
Tad (gets credit, ‘cause that’s what the paper said) Saturday May 5, 2007
We come alone and we leave alone, everything else is a gift.
I know your type, blonde and slutty - Gail
It's the beer to have if you're having 12 or more - G Booth
They might go to hell, and I would go to
Clean living under difficult circumstances - The Mod Credo
I hope I'm on this side of the grass at 72 - Tiger Woods
There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that
of draining money from the pockets of the people. - Adam Smith
Uncle Greg drives that fast. - Robert Kingsbury Cederstrom
There is nothing wrong with compromising on your principals as long as
you don't disillusion yourself to what you're doing. James F. Pontolillo
- November 30, 1986
No matter how good she looks, someone somewhere is tired of putting up
with her shit. - Bathroom wall Glenwood Springs 1985
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in
a well preserved body, but rather to skid sideways, totally worn out, shouting
shit...what a ride!"
The most valuable things in this life are to love and to be loved. – Some chick flick.
You need three things in this life.
Something to do that you like. Something to look forward
to and someone to love. – Some
old guy but relayed by Texas Jimmy Hotdog
That is what I know today. Other than running makes you feel 18 and
cures hangovers. Still
no cure for running. –Greg
Love is like wind through the
trees. Sometimes it blows and sometimes
it doesn’t. That’s commitment. When it blows, the leaves rustle and you get
all excited. When it doesn’t, you just
sit and wait. (Some span of time
elapses) If you did that to them all the
time, they’d think you were some sort of pussy homo. –
Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite.
I’ve got a wife and two kids.
When I have a bad day at work and my boss is a dick, I go home and I get
comfort from my family. Greg, he doesn’t
have that. When he has a bad day at work
and his boss is a dick, he says “fuck you I quit” – Texas Jimmy Hotdog
Only the dead are without fear
Only the good die young, what are you worried about? - Dale
I reject Satan and all his works.
But I’d fuck his old lady. –
It's like sitting in Encounters and watching all the late night Asian
747's departing knowing you're bound to get on the redeye for
Some mornings you wake up all buggered up and others you're on fire
after a couple hours of sleep. Greg is in one of those moods. He'd
trade it all for a hanging curve ball, the one thing he forgot he lost, the shining path, that'd be too easy. Get Collective
Souls greatest hits and you might get the idea of where Greg's at headed into,
summer, 42, the Bulls, and the rest of the shit. Go ahead, 100 across
Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. Otherwise it’s a prison film.
Wouldn’t it suck to die with a good liver? – G. Booth May 11, 2005
Life’s not for pussies.
All this math makes me
nervous. – Jasmine September 2005
...once you get over the brutality of it, they're only
chickens, right? - John Grant on cock fighting 2006.
The train wrecked in the lobby and there was a fire. - Dave Fleming
4 September 2006
Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite.
Why doesn't Shelley ever show up? She's the only one I care about.
- Meathead 4 September 2006
The Mayor, she's the skinny bird with the scary hair. - Mike Caffrey 13 September 2006
I see the potential to spend countless hours…. John Grant on his introduction to Beer Pong
The American Legal System is a temple to idiocracy.
Because he speaks and lives with a passion that most
people only dream of - Some rationalization from a conversation with Faith.
Don’t steal, the government hates competition.
Oh Jason, oh Jason, Oh.
My life is a comedy, I don’t do drama very
well. GNS 23 February 2009
I’ve been at sea for 24 days without drinking,
I’m giving up not drinking for lent. GNS
25 February 2009
What would you do if
your birth country renounced the ideals it was founded upon?
Socialism is the triumph of the manipulative over the productive. © 2010
Gregory N. Smallwood