Greg has never had a bumper sticker. It would be too hard to say what he had to say in that small an area. Bumper stickers are okay for other people, as long as they are funny. Here are some of his favorites:
v Your father should have pulled out
v Save the world, kill yourself
v Nice people swallow
v Don't steal, the government hates competition
v BAN MINING, Let the bastards freeze in the dark
v Strip mining prevents forest fires
v Rehab is for quitters
v Ex wife in trunk
v Will Rogers never met Steve Spurrier
v If at first you don' t succeed, blame someone else and seek counseling
v I do what my Rice Krispies tell me to
v So you're a feminist& isn't that precious
v You can't be late until you show up
v Don't drink and park, accidents cause people
v Politicians and diapers need to be changed often for the same reason
Greg's sister Gail's bumper sticker: "Condoms are easier to change than diapers."
Of course " Nice people swallow" was the logical response to "Mean people suck" just as "Ex wife in trunk" was the perfect repost for "Baby on board"
MENSA Bonus, What' s the logical response to "My child is an honor student"
Greg saw this one first on a Mardi Gras t-shirt but saw it on a car the other day.
v We' re all here cause we're not all there
Stupidist bumper stickers, these people should just get off the highway:
v Let me tell you about my grandchildren
v Split wood, not atoms